Archive for June 29, 2006


Posted: June 29, 2006 in Uncategorized

Got a testimonial from Kelly in frenster. I’m flattered with the stuffs that she wrote and of all, the one that surprised me the most is she’s my faithful blog reader. I mean other than Simon and Joan ( the only 2 active “tagger”), i do know that some of my frenz do come and drop by to see from time to time. I didn’t expect a faithful blog reader. Well kelly, i went to ur blog too and saw got no updates. Do Update more often!!!

I love reading blog esp when i’m at home, nothing to do. I mean okie, i admit i’m a little KPO. I jus like to read about how people are getting along in life, how do different people think and react on the similar situation enocuntered, how their love story started, how their photo can be edited until so nice… how… how… how…etc. Reading blog and blog hopping have eventually be one of my hobbies. I don’t lead a happening lifestyle to go out and havoc, having Tons of happening events to blog about like those famous star bloggers. Dun even ask me when was my last clubbing session. I can’t recall. Hence, it developed an interest to read about havoc events going on though i wasn’t involved. Plus it can pass time very quickly.