Archive for June 20, 2006

MORE womanly LESS girly

Posted: June 20, 2006 in Uncategorized

I’m sleepy… the packet of Milo Nuggets can last me awake for barely 30 mins… and came along was… Ru-Jin asked me out. It’s one of the rare days that he is free so practically if i dun meet him this time, i dunno when will i be able to meet him again. U see… last time i saw him was when i was in Year 2… when i was 18 years old. Okie… i tend to have a lot of frenz whereby i just meet them few years once.

Actually, i pushed it away coz i’m too tired but still meet him in the end. Well, met him at Holland V but he decided to bring me to this “Ulufied” place near the MOE building for a drink. Not as “ulufied” as he said, there’s still many pple there watching soccer… drinking away. 2 big screens for soccer… I mean not those plasma tv… but is viewed through projector kind. We were at Bistro Fabulous… seems not too bad a place to hang out.

After the drink, we walked ard the area n found out the 7-11 store there is closed. I tot 7-11 should be opening 24 hours???? and it’s written there:

Monday to Saturday: 7am to 7pm
Sunday and Public Holidays: 7am to 3pm

*Scratches my head*

And according to Ru-jin, he said that i look different from last time.Different? I looked pretty much the same as before. In what way? He commented i look more womanly less girly.


Romantic Mum???

Posted: June 20, 2006 in Uncategorized

Went for tennis in NTU on sunday afternoon… Damn shag after that… but who knows…. Dad said y not let’s go for a spin… Mm… I guess my parents would have wanna go in to Malaysia for some supper but too bad… i have yet to change my passport photo. U know, it was back on March whereby i went to KL with Jaslyn… the Malaysia checkpoint can’t recognise my face. I mean the pic in my passport was taken when i was 15 i think. I dun change that much…. even so right… i think he dun need to actually write ” Change Picture” in my passport. ARGH!!! So… it’s like unless i go n change it, if not i can’t travel out of Singapore.

Back to Sunday, Dad wanted to go for a spin… so my mum suggested to go West Coast Park. So dad drove all the way to West Coast Park. The Mcdonald was crowded with those soccer fans. It was dark at the park… no wind… lots of mosquitoes… So mum decided to change destination to Mount Faber.

Mount Faber was so much better but we nv hang ard there for long coz dad n i gotta work the next day. Haha… my fren was saying that “u got a romantic mum….” Romantic? My Mum? She’s jus one kind of mum who got lots of ideas and “patterns”

I reached home at 12++ my gosh…. I’m lacking of sleep this week again.


Off to Taipei… with his frenz… Damn enjoying. I wanna go too!!!

I Simply miss Taiwan~~~

Hopefully he will be buying back some nice thingy for me. For the days there, he has yet to call back… just in case he will be some internet cafe in Taipei and happen to drop by to see his sis’s blog….

Please take note that dad might not be able to pick u up on Thurs night coz he might be going to Malaysia for work on wed till Friday or Sat.

Meanwhile, Enjoy…. and buy more things for me…!!!