Archive for June 18, 2006

Old FrenZzz Sessions

Posted: June 18, 2006 in Uncategorized

Friday Night ( 16 June 2006 ) :

Gotta see my sec sch fren, Sheila… Went to Marina square for dinner at this Jap eating place, Azabu Sabo. I wasn’t very close with my sec sch frenz… the one that i kept consistant contact is with agnes. I did some updating on my sec sch frenz current status from her. At least she is contacting so many more than i do. On top of that, we did a little of gossiping. Well, girls what… what can u expect when girls are together… for sure a little gossiping will incur. Can’t blame on us… we are just born this way.

This is what Sheila is eating- Ramen

The cutie ice cream… it look so cute that u dun bear to eat

Saturday ( 17 June 2006 ) :

Met up with my primary schoolmates, Trish and Wing Kui. Perhaps i’m a little tired… i seemed to be stoning from time to time. Sorry about that… promise i will be giving u guys 100% attention the next meeting. My memory is failing on me once again. They were talking about our primary schmates… blah blah blah…. this guy went chinese high…. that guy went NJC… this girl went bt panjang govt high….and i dun recall a single thing but jus find their name sound really familiar. We went to watch the movie, Just my Luck… was okie for me… perhaps i’m expecting more for this movie whereby i saw the webbie text describing it to be really interesting. But my 2 frenz enjoyed it.

Went on going to Swensen for a small bites. Trish was so funny… we were ordering our food n drink that time…

Rachel: I want 1 treasure Island float, 1 ice chocolate float and 1 mango tango. Also, 1 Fries and 1 calamari.

Waiter: Let me repeat your order … 1 treasure island float, 1 ice chocolate float, 1 mango tango, 1 fries and 1 calamari…

Trish: and 1 photo too.

The waiter was stunned. Ordering photos? Hahaha… Right, the waiter helped us to took a pic.

And on this meeting, Trish and me decided to go Hong Kong next year…. with our Hong Konger, Wing kui, to guide us there. Well, need to have some times for my savings if not we could have settle for the HK trip in this August. It’s always good to have someone who know the place inside out to guide us… grabbing the cheap deal… eating the best food and most importantly, someone who know how to speak Cantonese well. What’s more to say whereby he is carrying a cool handphone which is not available in Singapore. The phone comes with this 3.2 megapixels which is like a digital cam already… My gosh… I want the phone too.

Wing kui was saying can intro me one fren to me since i got no bf. Right…. i shall now entrust Trish as my manager to screen through candidates… if she say yes… then it would be a yes… coz she always say my standard is very high… which is not true… let her do the screening and see what’s her say.

Trish, the pic that u dislike i only put it as grid… no worries, u still look as nice from here

Great time spent with all my old frenz… I didn’t know Trish like to take pictures so much… hahaha… next time can find me to take…. i love nice pictures only…. they just brighten up my day * blink Blink*