Archive for June 12, 2006

I’m getting my Swift tmr… … … I think i jus simply got over excited about my new car…

Hang it on RacH!!!!

I’m extremely tired today… Certainly not because of tennis yesterday… coz when i was traveling to Pines club, it started pouring at PIE Eng Neo exit there. It was considered kinda near to Pines club… I was like thinking…. No tennis today again!!!

Surprised… when i reached there, it wasn’t raining….Ok i shld phrase it as The rain had yet to come. I’m able to play for half an hour and it started with cloudy…. followed by windy and there comes rainy…. DUH~~~ I almost can swim in the tennis court…. It was so heavy that even we were at the shelter… rain water jus came “splashing” on me n my coach~~~ Argh… So we left that lousy shelter and headed down to the reception to continue talking rubbish…

Since tennis was kinda impossible to continue, coach drove me to Lucky Plaza…. We went to his fren’s tennis shop. Shoes down there is quite cheap…. 50 bucks for a pair of Wilson tennis shoes…. quite nice… look a bit similar to mine but their’s nicer… haha… so tempted to get a new tennis shoes… Right right right…. i gotta cut down my expenses… gotta bear that in mind!!! Well, i gotta see how the string of the racquet brand picture came about… they have this template and jus coloured it over with this red crayon-like thingy… Chey… i tot how the “picture” of the string came about…

I do have some pictures on the “Colouring” session but i used my HP to take. The sad thing is i dun have the USB adaptor to load the photos now… i wanted to buy the USB blue tooth adaptor. Heard from Sherin that Her bf got one for her in Lucky plaza at SGD 20++ only. I went to look for one yesterday too… it was like all 40 – 50 bucks man… where got 20 bucks one… bluff me!!! Plus the guy in the shop is bloody damn rude… totally spoilt my day… What’s wrong with jus looking ard? He’s expecting me to buy. Well, i never asked him to run to the other shop to intro me other USB. RUDE….He was down there grumbling… shld tell him earlier that i’m not buying, waste his energy… Hello… jus becoz he’s the typical ah beng and i wasn’t the Ah lian kind that suits his liking he gotta be so rude? I got no fancy in becomin one too. Duh… Brainless guy… being a sales person, u shld know that it is a customer oriented kinda job… provoking a customer is a last thing that u can do…

In search for a briefcase for my brother. Briefcase sounds a bit old…. Okie…it’s a bag for him to use for work. That sounds a bit long too. In conclusion, it’s jus a bag. I promised my brother that i will get him a bag when he entered in the workforce. That’s my present for him. Got a Goldlion bag that cost me SGD 100+++ Thanks for the Great Singapore Sales!!! I’m loaded with my tennis gear (My tennis shoes, slippers, shirt, shorts, towel, my bathing set, my Adidas body deodorant, my hair cream and so on… all dump into my big Adidas bag. My coach called that a rubbish bag) + my racquet…I’m so shagged after getting the bag… which added on to the weight of the stuffs i was carrying. Can imagine… carrying so many stuff and walked for so long… so many places ?

And i’m all alone… doing the shopping… carrying tons of stuffs…yeah… poor me…

Anyway, photos taking back in last week with sherin…Blur pic … blame it on me. I shld have used the anti-shake function on my camera.