Archive for June 7, 2006

Seems to be getting in touch with my ” long lost ” friends. Chat with Rujin online today. Not again we are friends that have not been meeting up for a long long period of time.

I owe him a big thank you… Well, Rujin is the one who helped me for my A level project. Not saying that he helped me to do my project or what, but he gave us a great help. My project group back then was supposed to come up with something in regards of the theme “Synergy”. So we came out with this idea of having computer company and hotels working hand in hand.

How do we do about that?
We wanted to have computers with broadband in every single hotel rooms. So… it can actually focus on the business class hotels which is so called convenience for the business traveller. Yeah, it’s kinda crap… but we just wanna promote our idea and made it sound like it will really work, sound it’s a perfert idea that will be going to boost the S’pore economy. Crap right?

Well, Stupid project required us to get interviews. HELLO… interview? Who will be interested to entertaining A level students like us…wanting to complete our A level project and hand it over to MOE for our grades? No hotels bother about us… we walked down the Orchard Road to ask each and every hotel for interview.

Negative replies that what we got from them.

And one last resort… i got my uncle to help me out for the interview. Another crappy thing… he works in the hotel as some department head but he’s under the Security department. What’s to do with the hotel room thingy interview? We were thinking at least he works in hotel for years and he will know something about it. Anyone we could get at the moment… we just grabbed esp when the deadline was nearing.

And there comes Rujin… We needed to interview someone who deals with computers… nothing surprising… we could not get anyone once again. Who knows… Rujin set up a company that was dealing with wireless networking. Grabbed him for interview again… He’s another young entrepreneur… he’s a student in NUS when he set up his own company.

That interview was the last time i saw him. I was 17 or 18 then. 3 to 4 years just passed like that. And not again we mentioned on how long we have yet to meet… blah blah blah…. and the usual updating questions…

Been doing what?

And he asked me to get my butt out of the chair to learn Salsa. I Love Salsa…. i guess it’s gonna be fun but some how i just got no talent in dancing esp when i’m famous for my laziness… He gave me this gd idea…
“Go and learn Salsa…. we can perform Salsa on your birthday party!!!”
It will be damn cool man… show for the night…. haha….

Well, let me consider 1st… i wanna learn so many things… from learning languages like Korean, Japanese, Spanish and thai …. to learning sports like wakeboarding and sailing… to different kinda dances, Salsa… hip hop…Jazz