Archive for June 6, 2006

Rich Richie Kelvin

Posted: June 6, 2006 in Uncategorized

Meet up with Kelvin yesterday… last time i met him was like years ago… approximately 2 to 3 years ago whereby i’m still a young girl… and now i’m turning into a young adult once it strikes 21 October 2006.

Come to think about how i got to know him…. it’s kinda dumb… It started of with Joan~~~ Joan is my British council classmate. Well… she went to study in some international school and after that flew to States for studies. So there’s a period of time we kinda lost contact… i think it’s the time whereby the conversion of the masses from ICQ to MSN. U know back then… ICQ is kinda popular as compared to MSN…. everyone seemed to be using ICQ… and out of sudden, pple start switching to MSN when MSN came up with the smileys that are animated and more and more functions coming up.

Right… go offtrack… back to story now… So Joan came back to Sg and stupid woman … nv inform me… was one of the other classmates (forgot who was that…) who told me that she is back for 1 week ++ and gave me her new hp no. I took down her number and sms her. By mistake, i saved her number wrongly… and send it to Kelvin instead.

This is how i get to know him… I was dumb…. totally embarassed…. sending the wrong msg…but we continued our conversation through there…

Sound so Dramatic… some drama series…. but this was what happened.

Went to Sixth Ave to have dinner… some Thai food. I think it’s due to long time never meet… and i dunno what to talk about + i’m kinda tired yesterday so i think i must have bored him to death… I’m sorry

So Kelvin asked me if i have any bf now….?
Yeah… y do everyone like to ask this question… well, i don’t have… not even seeing anyone.

It will follow by… how come don’t have? U must be too choosy!!!
NO… that’s not the case… jus that the right one has yet to appear. I don’t have really high criteria… i mean just those typical one but more of the “click” that matters.

And it goes on… so what is your criteria like? Must the guy be hot? Must know how to play tennis?
erm… i prefer guys who is outspoken, able to present himself well… and so on …. Must he be HOT? Hahaha… of coz not… u know is like hot guys usually have hot babes… I’m not one of them… i know where i stands… nv classified as hot… and kelvin mentioned that though he is not hot, he still like hot babes. That’s a different thing coz there is higher possibility of having hot babes with normal guys but certainly hot guy will match with hot babes. Esp when Kelvin is a flirty-rich kid…. babes flocks to him… ( of coz i did not say that to him… even if i do, i’m jus stating the fact) He was driving an orange Silvia when i first knew him… and now he is driving a Mercedes Benz CLK… and i’m only getting my humble suzuki swift… my swift is not even half of his CLK’s price …oh please… a guy who is only 24 driving that okie… the car is really kinda cool… luxurious… that was my 1st time sitting in a CLK… i sound like some frog deep deep in the well… Hahaha… it feels nice sitting it. Trust me!!! Which girl will resist such a temptation?
As for knowing to play tennis, it would be an advantage if he knows.


He went on asking…How long was your previous relationship last?
About 2 years… and of coz i asked him back… he told me that he had plenty of gfs but more “down to earth” kind only got 4 and 1 of them even lasted for 6 years…. Did i hear wrongly? 6 Years???? hahaha… and tat was when he was in sec sch and JC times. I told him directly that that’s kinda expected… only at sec sch and JC times, he was able to be more committed and now he owns so many things… luxurious car… $$$, womans flocking to him… i don’t think he is able to commit for so long… plus he’s a player now… i mean he did not tell me that he is one…. but from the way he speaks and the things that he tells me… I’m sure he’s a player.

So when was the last time we met?
Should be quite long ago… 2 to 3 years back… He was like ARE YOU SURE? He tot it was like jus months or a year back… So i was upgraded by him to OLD FREN category after this meeting. So he asked me what’s my age…

Rachel: 21….

Kelvin: Turning 21 or 21 already?

Rachel: Turning 21

Kelvin: so when is ur birthday?

Rachel: In october… i ponder to invite you over for my birthday party.

Kelvin: (Laughs) why?

Rachel: U r always busy… so most prob will be busy too… I witness how busy u r tonight ( HP msg keep coming in… phones keep ringing)

Kelvin: U should ask me when ur birthday day is nearing… then i will know…

Rachel: But it makes a point to tell u now ( i have been telling the whole world too)… which means i booked u way before my b day so there’s no excuse that u r not coming. Make sense?

Kelvin: Alright…. hahaha… u r my old fren now… u r more impt… for sure i will come but any single and hot gers there? There’s an incentive…

Rachel: Attached hot girls….

Kelvin: Okie…. anything u want for birthday?

Rachel: Nah…. nothing ( but i was thinking in my heart …. really anything i want i would get…..? hahaha i want ur CLK…. hahaha) * Smile*

Kelvin: Choose something if not i will buy u rubbish

Rachel: Rubbish no need to buy… u jus grab from rubbish bin will do

Kelvin: No la… since u r my old fren, i will buy it rather than grab it from the bin.

The night ended with him sending me home…. and “tell me what u want for ur birthday… cya soon”

U know rich pple do things in weird manner…. hahaha… esp when he was sending me back, there’s this car travelling at the outer lane n is like some kinda tortoise speed… ROad HOgging…. Yeah… Kel Horn at him and just zoomed passed him…That’s the thing about Sports car on the road… they are the master on the road… Humble suzuki Swift will give way to the master too next time…~Shivers~ but i guess no one likes a driver like that …. ARROGANT… BIG TIME ~SHOW OFF!!!