Archive for June 2, 2006


Posted: June 2, 2006 in Uncategorized

First time i heard about it — Spaghetti-rebus.

I was wondering what’s that… Hahaha… esp the way my colleague pronouncing it. I can’t figure out what’s Spaghetti-rebus.

Let me tell u about it… Spaghetti-rebus is actually replace the usual yellow Mee from the Mee rebus with Spaghetti. And that’s it…. Spaghetti-rebus… Spaghetti with the Mee rebus sauce and ingredients….

She was telling me… u jus need to go down and tell the auntie u want spaghetti-rebus and she will know.

Guess that’s all about Singaporeans… haha… Weird eating style…

Nevertheless, gotta try one day….

It’s friday… The day i have waited for so long… haha… i always love friday when it put a clear full-stop to the working week and in return for 2 days of rest. And what adds on to it which makes me even happier—> My salary…. My Fruit of labour

Right… though my pay day… i can’t spend as much as i want from now onwards…. gotta tighten my pocket…. erm… should it be my wallet? I’m gonna have responsibilities real soon… My New little Suzuki Swift. U jus simply know how excited i can get when talking about cars these days. Avoid seeing such Rachel… please don’t talk about cars…. i will go blah blah blah endlessly….

I need to cut down my expenses…
Frequent visits to Holland V —> CUT DOWN
Shopping —> CUT DOWN
Tennis with coach —> CUT DOWN (get substitute like swimming… cheaper sports)
Food —> CUT DOWN ( been eating and spending a lot of junk food these days, certainly need to cut down… it’s good for me… it’s good for health… it’s good for me for slimming down…. *grin*)

Mm… one more person praises kiddy Rachel’s pictures… When Rach is still a kid, she’s really some kinda cutie… Really… I even want my kids to be like the kiddy rachel i used to be. Everytime KY saw these pictures, he will say… “Rachel has this very naughty face since young esp the pic with her brother…” but from what i see… i only can find the word– cute— in these pictures … Hahaha…. i think i get too obesessed in my pictures.

Something i came across today…. that’s J display pic… i think it’s so funny and wanted him to send me the version of the black eyed pea that he has.

It’s really a pea with black eyed…. !!! Hahaha… i like it!!!

I got so angry with that woman that day…. she’s none other than my buddy… Yes Miss Sherin…

She called me and wanted to meet up for dinner. She said she wanna eat Yoshinoya coz she has some coupons to be used and that was the last day. So i was thinking…. well fine with me…. comeover to my place here coz got yoshinoya too and she can take the dumplings that my mum made for her.

She happily agreed with it lor…. and was still in some kinda chirpy mood when she was talking to me on the phone. Great man… i called my mum and told her that she will be coming down to take the dumplings…. Kind mummy… she specially go n steamed the dumplings for her lor… so that she no need to heat up again when she goes back.

And guess what…. supposed to meet at 6++ n i msg her after my work, asking her what time she will be reaching. NO reply…. 7 pm… i called her… asking her is she reaching any time soon… she told me she’s in town…. GREAT MOVE !!! What is she doing in town whereby she is supposed to meet me at my place? She said that she is not coming already and thought i know about that. How would i know when she drop me an sms on this ” hey the coupon only can be used in taka” and i replied her ” chey” that means that she is not coming? I don’t miss out a single words in the entire sms that she sent.

I’m freaking angry lor… at least inform me that she is not coming. I even told my mum dun cook my share for dinner coz i’m eating with her.

We are drifting away once again… let it be man…. couldn’t be bothered anymore…

I recalled she once said that things that i do, i dun feel that i’m wrong but when she did the same thing, i flare up. Is that true? I dunno, maybe…. but i dun think i did anything bad… for the times tat i was late…. i think i feel remorseful n rushed down ASAP by cab. What else? Perhaps on my temper…. I did nothing more.