Archive for June, 2006

Do Monks use laptop?

Posted: June 30, 2006 in Uncategorized

Yesterday, i went out for my lunch with my colleagues. On the way walking back to my office, we saw this 2 monks walking out of the building. We were like thinking how come there are 2 monks appearing here. The more we think, the weirder we feel about it. We turned and looked at 2 monks the second look.

Duh!!!! They are carrying laptop bags. They came here to services their laptops.

I mean i dunno monks are so high tech these days. To my impression, monks are always in the monastery, chanting, meditating and eating vegetarian food. Perhaps a little more than these… but as for laptop, i never see monks using one before. Are they going to have computerised system for those monastries? Using the laptops to keep track of the donations received and carefully keep track their expenses?

* Shrugs*


Posted: June 29, 2006 in Uncategorized

Got a testimonial from Kelly in frenster. I’m flattered with the stuffs that she wrote and of all, the one that surprised me the most is she’s my faithful blog reader. I mean other than Simon and Joan ( the only 2 active “tagger”), i do know that some of my frenz do come and drop by to see from time to time. I didn’t expect a faithful blog reader. Well kelly, i went to ur blog too and saw got no updates. Do Update more often!!!

I love reading blog esp when i’m at home, nothing to do. I mean okie, i admit i’m a little KPO. I jus like to read about how people are getting along in life, how do different people think and react on the similar situation enocuntered, how their love story started, how their photo can be edited until so nice… how… how… how…etc. Reading blog and blog hopping have eventually be one of my hobbies. I don’t lead a happening lifestyle to go out and havoc, having Tons of happening events to blog about like those famous star bloggers. Dun even ask me when was my last clubbing session. I can’t recall. Hence, it developed an interest to read about havoc events going on though i wasn’t involved. Plus it can pass time very quickly.

I’m Still Sick

Posted: June 28, 2006 in Uncategorized

Jus wondering if my tiredness is in-born. How can a person feeling so tired everyday regardless of the amount of rest she has taken? Perhaps it was the late night…. or maybe i’m still on the verge of recovering from the post celebration of the germs in my body… or it must be the medicine causes it. I’m jus looking forward for the weekend to come and that’s it!!!

My brother started with his new job. I guess working in a Japanese company is jus so diff. My brother told me that they are supposed to assemble and do exercise together every morning. Orh… that’s so cute. I simply like it!!! Exercises they do may not be those vigorous kind, jus like the stretching exercises that most of us did in back in PE lesson. It is believed that by doing a little exercises in the morning will make a person healthier and refreshed. Good practice!!! Should adopt it from Japanese company.

My sore throat is recovering after taking the Lozenges that i bought from the pharmacy. I wanted to say that i’ve recovered almost 80% jus left with my cough in the morning and now my flu cling on me tightly. Yes, down with flu… it seems like a package of having fever, cough, sore throat and flu. U simply can’t leave any of them out of the “package”. Recovery percentage drop to 55%. I was so sick yesterday with my nose problem during the visual classroom which is like a web training together with pple in Singapore and overseas. In the end, due to some problems in Bangalore, we are unable to continue with our trial in the new project. I’ve been hanging on through the 2 hours and in the end, trial is postpone to today.

I’m not feeling any better for my nose. I still got blocked nose. I still have to use plenty of tissues to keep me going. I still have to breathe with my mouth and i still got the skin on my nose peeling. The medicine that the doc gave is still not working at. Almost finishing the entire course of medicine, I’m still only a tiny winy better.

Sick for almost 1 week!!!


Went down to The SIR building. Opps, should be ICA building, no idea when they have changed their name, never noticed it at all till i was there. I was there to change my passport photo alone. This was the one of the few times in my life, stepping into the building. Well, no worries, i was not lost there and managed to get my things done. I only brought one of my photos there and the officer told me that 2 photos were needed for the replacement. That means i still gotta spend $$ there and re-take my picture. The queue was extremely long. I waited for so long to take the picture and the staff was so rude.

One look at me and said ” Your hair like that cannot hor. Eyebrows cannot be covered. “
Alright, fine. I put some water n pushed my fringe to the side.
She grumbled again ” Your fringe drop. Do it again.”
Ok, I cleared it once again.
She just can’t take the picture quick and fast, taking her own sweet time.
There she went on again” Can u just clip up ur hair?”
” I don’t have clip and i think it looks kinda nerd to clip.”
“Take the pin and clip it up.” Staring at me fiercely.

Duh… Fierce woman. How could she treat a sick lady like me this way? Not as if the picture she took was damn nice, some professional pic. I looked horrible in the picture, i swear.

After all these irritating encounters, i realised the photo-taking took really long and i had missed my queue No. Luckily, not necessary to re-queue again, jus approach one of the available officer will do. Save me time for that.

It was around 10++ in the morning when i finished settling my stuff in ICA. Next destination would be the UOB bank. I need to apply this Giro thing for the season parking for my swift. According to my brother, i need to go down to the bank and get it endorse. Reached there, the guest services officer told me it’s only for the thumbprint account then is needed to come down to the bank personally. If not, can just sign in the form and send to the respective address. Argh… Wasted trip!!!

Not to worry, i still got time before my facial appointment at 2pm. I headed down to Tanjong Pagar to cut my hair and highlight my hair. Queue again!!! 2 people in front of me. What to do but to wait… There’s this lady who came in. I’m 3rd in the queue and she’s 5th in the queue. She waited for like 5 mins and stood up to approach the hair stylist trainer that she is in a hurry. Okie, in a hurry…So what? She just waited for 5 mins and can’t wait anymore. I’ve been waiting for like almost 30 mins there. She wanted to dye a base colour for her hair + highlight and need to leave by 12:45pm. Funny woman… it’s already 12 pm by then. She expected to do finish doing the 2 steps within 45 mins? Is she nuts? The hair stylist trainer told her the fastest they are able to finish is 1.5 hours. And she immediately say ok lor.

I was thinking… Are you sure you are in a hurry? If u r, u won’t come so late to get your hair done. Arrive early to do it. Didn’t u say that u MUST leave at 12.45pm and extended another 45 mins to 1.30pm to leave, u say u can make it too? Contradicting right? The hair stylist trainer told her ” I can’t let u cut the queue jus like that, still gotta ask pple in front are they willing to let u 1st?”

*GrinS* It’s gonna be my turn next by then. So she asked me n the other auntie. The auntie kept quiet and refused to answer ( but can see that she dun wanna let that lady cut queue) so practically, i hold the crucial decision. I said “No…. i’m in a hurry too. Certainly unwilling to let u 1st.” She stared at me hard… ya… now trying to talk big now… ” I don’t mind paying more to do my hair 1st.” I was like thinking… yeah go ahead man… So in the end, she paid so much more to get a PROFESSIONAL to help her to dye her hair. Who cares man… She’s one kind of ah lian wearing a tube and jeans, carrying her LV bag. Since she’s so rich, pay more to get ur hair nicely done.

Got my hair layer and my hair highlighted blonde. I think my hair looked a bit messy now coz layered hair causes my hair to curl out. After my hair done, I went for facial. What a busy day to beautify myself! 2nd thoughts…my face swell terribly after facial. Always say thanks to the invention of cosmetics, able to cover my swelling well.

On the way back home, Sherin finally remembered me and asked me out. It’s been weeks and we usually meet quite often. If u have been reading my blog, u will know why we have not been meeting up. Dun bother to say everything once again. Settled with Holland V. But i went back home 1st for a rest and told my dad i’m going out later.

Dad: Going holland V again with Sherin?

Rachel: Yup… so smart.

Dad: What time are u going?

Rachel: Should be ard 8pm

Dad: Hahaha, jus nice. Your brother is going to Holland V at 8pm too.

Rachel: Really? Can send me there and on the way pick sherin from the bus-stop. Where are u going?

Brother: Wala Wala. Can lor… U call her later to tell her

Rachel: Wah, happening. Go drinking leh. We only go n drink tea. I’ll call her now.

I think i still look kinda sick

Sherin’s getting prettier as the years goes by

Jus nice, brother was going to Holland V, send us there and fetch us home. Thanks Brother!!!


Met up with Milton, Likang and their 3 other frenz. I didn’t manage to catch their names. I’m sorry. Perhaps i’m jus feeling too sick. At least, i still manage to do a little catch-up with Milton. Yeah, i kinda only know him out of the rest. Took a few pictures… but i looked really ill so i’m not showing the group pic that includes me.

Ugly Pic of Rachel not allowed here =D

Fren1, fren 2, fren 3 , Likang and Milton

The Sick Rachel

Posted: June 26, 2006 in Uncategorized

I wasn’t feeling kinda well on last friday. As i have blogged, i suffered from bad sore throat. Well, that’s not the killing point. I was feeling cold n restless, lying on my L-shape sofa with my blanket with such a hot weather. My mum was saying ” We bought durians today but u seem ill. Most prob u can’t eat.”

Popped 2 panadols immediately. I can’t make it a miss to eat durians. That’s my favourite. Feel so much better after that, i mean after taken the panadol. I went to measure my temperature 37.5 !!! Argh, how could that be? I’m feeling fine and yet still having fever. My fever must have gone up at least 38. Heck man… I still ate my fav durian.

No fever, No sore throat anymore.

But i suffered from flu and a bad cough now. It’s kinda impressive right? All germs seem to be having some kinda gathering in my body, partying away. So sick of it man. Perhaps being ill may not be a bad thing, who knows i will lose some weight? Haha…

Encounter something funny last friday. My colleague, James, and me went home last so we were supposed to lock the door and armed the security system. I had never done it before so i was depending on James to do it. Right, we went to switch off the lights and headed to the staff entrance to arm the security system.


Wait… how come the light in store is still on? So now, where’s the switch for the store? Izzit in the store? But we do not have the access to the store. Where? WHere? WHERE? Jus when we were searching half way, the alarm went off. We were like…. oh Shit man… what to do about it… James went to key in the password and stopped the alarm. Right… the alarm rang for like 15 to 20 sec. Stopped the alarm, found the switch, locked up the office.

On the way back home,

Rachel: Will the police being alert when the alarm went off ?

James: I don’t think so, coz we managed to stop it in a short period of time. Anyway, last time when i locked the door, it also went off.

Rachel: Oh, so this is not the first time? Chey, i thought will alert the police… Then i got nothing to laugh at now.

This very moment, my handphone ring.

Wee Lian: Rach, the police called and informed us that the alarm went off.

Rachel: Oh ya, just now.. but we already stopped the alarm.

Wee Lian: Got armed the security alarm thing?

Rachel: Yup… blame it on James man… He’s the one who did it.. and happily laughing away now… some more not the 1st time alarm went off… Hahaha…

Well, at least we know how to lock the office now. Lesson learned!

i’ve got a bad sore throat

Posted: June 23, 2006 in Uncategorized

Haha… was looking forward to my brother coming back from taiwan last night. Ok, i’m keen in the things he bought too. But we are quite close. Believe or not. He bought back a jacket, a top, a voodoo doll and lots of taiwan goodies for me.

And what i suffer from today:

Sore throat

Recalling on the goodies that i ate yesterday night.
1) The Jelly
2) Mua Chee
3) Fried Ikan Billis
4) Pineapple tarts

The culprit is the Fried Ikan Billis. I’m feeling so sick with my sore throat. Perhaps fever might jus come in on the way Or maybe the flu bug is joining the crowd too coz i started to feel a little cold and having blocked nose.

Hope for a speedy recovery. I still gotta go down to Lavender to change my passport photo tmr, followed by either facial at Chinatown or go n re-touch up my hair colour at Tanjong Pagar.

My top ranking frequent hangout is Holland V. Now, i shall proudly declare that Queensway shopping centre will be my 2nd fav hangout. Ok, there’s nowhere to chill out at queensway. The fact about why i start falling in love going to queensway is i can find good and cheap deals there.

To most of the people, queensway is a place to buy sports accessories, shoes… well, it’s just anything about sports u can find it here. But who knows that it actually sells a lot of nice clothes and shoes here especially when it falls on the Great Singapore Sales Season now. Obviously, small little shops there will not wanna lose out and offer discounts to the items sold. I don’t mean to spend $$ again when i gotta save up for tons of things such as for my car, my studies ( I’m starting school in July or August i think!) and of coz for my Bangkok trip. I can’t wait till i’m setting off to Bangkok to start buying things. It’s such a long wait.

I’m telling myself it’s alright to grab a small item since i have not been buying anything recently. A small item = ONE top or ONE pair of shoes. God knows… i saw this:

Ladies Shoes
1 for $15
2 for $20
3 for $25

I mean it’s really tempting. I jus went in to browse through the collection of shoes the shop has. The heels there are pretty. It’s true!!! I will post the pictures of the heels i bought soon when i get the camera back from my brother. Bought 2 pairs of heels which cost me only 20 bucks. I feel so happy today after buying the heels. Of coz, i made use of my lunch time fully to shop for other stuffs. Gosh, i saw a lot of nice nice tops and skirts. The skirts are on 50% discount. I saw the prices range from SGD 20 + to SGD 30+ and they are prices before discount. *Grin*

I love skirts. One of the reason is i got huge thighs and huge calf muscules which developed after i started playing tennis. Okie… with all mentioned, i know it dun look nice on skirts too but if i look worse with jeans or pants, it’s too tight for my muscular legs.

I shall pop by to Queensway next week again or next next week ( coz it’s my pay day) Hopefully by then, sales are still on, nice stuffs are still available.

MORE womanly LESS girly

Posted: June 20, 2006 in Uncategorized

I’m sleepy… the packet of Milo Nuggets can last me awake for barely 30 mins… and came along was… Ru-Jin asked me out. It’s one of the rare days that he is free so practically if i dun meet him this time, i dunno when will i be able to meet him again. U see… last time i saw him was when i was in Year 2… when i was 18 years old. Okie… i tend to have a lot of frenz whereby i just meet them few years once.

Actually, i pushed it away coz i’m too tired but still meet him in the end. Well, met him at Holland V but he decided to bring me to this “Ulufied” place near the MOE building for a drink. Not as “ulufied” as he said, there’s still many pple there watching soccer… drinking away. 2 big screens for soccer… I mean not those plasma tv… but is viewed through projector kind. We were at Bistro Fabulous… seems not too bad a place to hang out.

After the drink, we walked ard the area n found out the 7-11 store there is closed. I tot 7-11 should be opening 24 hours???? and it’s written there:

Monday to Saturday: 7am to 7pm
Sunday and Public Holidays: 7am to 3pm

*Scratches my head*

And according to Ru-jin, he said that i look different from last time.Different? I looked pretty much the same as before. In what way? He commented i look more womanly less girly.


Romantic Mum???

Posted: June 20, 2006 in Uncategorized

Went for tennis in NTU on sunday afternoon… Damn shag after that… but who knows…. Dad said y not let’s go for a spin… Mm… I guess my parents would have wanna go in to Malaysia for some supper but too bad… i have yet to change my passport photo. U know, it was back on March whereby i went to KL with Jaslyn… the Malaysia checkpoint can’t recognise my face. I mean the pic in my passport was taken when i was 15 i think. I dun change that much…. even so right… i think he dun need to actually write ” Change Picture” in my passport. ARGH!!! So… it’s like unless i go n change it, if not i can’t travel out of Singapore.

Back to Sunday, Dad wanted to go for a spin… so my mum suggested to go West Coast Park. So dad drove all the way to West Coast Park. The Mcdonald was crowded with those soccer fans. It was dark at the park… no wind… lots of mosquitoes… So mum decided to change destination to Mount Faber.

Mount Faber was so much better but we nv hang ard there for long coz dad n i gotta work the next day. Haha… my fren was saying that “u got a romantic mum….” Romantic? My Mum? She’s jus one kind of mum who got lots of ideas and “patterns”

I reached home at 12++ my gosh…. I’m lacking of sleep this week again.


Off to Taipei… with his frenz… Damn enjoying. I wanna go too!!!

I Simply miss Taiwan~~~

Hopefully he will be buying back some nice thingy for me. For the days there, he has yet to call back… just in case he will be some internet cafe in Taipei and happen to drop by to see his sis’s blog….

Please take note that dad might not be able to pick u up on Thurs night coz he might be going to Malaysia for work on wed till Friday or Sat.

Meanwhile, Enjoy…. and buy more things for me…!!!