Missing Fun

Posted: August 6, 2010 in My thoughts

Time really flies. Daryl messaged me the other day saying

“NICK LOO is back!!!”

hahaha…. He was like one of the fun party kaki back then and he left for Indonesia for work. It has been a long long time that i last saw him. Perhaps Daryl should really arrange a session to catch up.

Time really flies. I was looking through some pictures esp the one that the whole group of people went to batam.

Sherin, Violet, Jeremy and Kwok.

We seemed to really have lots of fun playing poker cards and those “punishments” for losing the games. I were reading through my post on it that Jeremy came up with the idea to get the loser to call the reception to say I Love You. 

I kinda miss those fun days.

Now, I’m enjoying my life too but it’s just a different kind of fun that I’m missing.



Posted: August 4, 2010 in My thoughts

I dun like it when I got something that is not appreciated. I rather not give it.

That’s my character!

Small matter but I’m just not cool about it.

Waste my time, effort and money… Never will I do it again.

Everything just goes wrong today. My important appointment was being postponed. I’m almost there… Yet again.


U know what… I quited my job and followed my boss to her new company. Of coz at the point of time when she approached u, she was nice and wonderful. She talked about the good old days that we used to work together. Yes… We shared some and of course I hated her some days as well.

And now, I have started my work in the new company. I knew it from the beginning that I’m being brought in by her and people will look at me differently. They tend to be aware of me and of coz do not share as much things to me. I can understand that coz basically everyone does that. That includes me.

I do have a nice colleague that I’m rather close with now. But the others… I will need more time. Under the announcement of retrenchment, everyone aren’t that happy about the company. Being retrenched, not due to company making loss but shifting of operations.

And next thing… My boss went mc for 2 days and left for her china business trip. I was like an idiot in the office doing nothing much. I was given the permission by my boss on the msn whereby others dun get to use it. So I ended up msn the entire day. I don’t know how pple will view it but looking at the blank computer screen n do nothing just kills me. She is off in china and guess what… Her entire trip went totally wrong…

Her flight went wrong
The ferry timing went wrong ( which this is my fault)
The ferry was extremely long
The hotel can’t find her name in te system
The admin manager did not book a non smoking room for her

Cool right… And blame it on me… I’m fed up as that isn’t entirely my fault so… Respect people to gain people’s respect. No point blaming at the innocent one… Oh right saying ” This is really poor, Rachel.”


New chapter ahead

Posted: April 4, 2010 in My thoughts

After 1 year and 9 months with Rentokil Initial, I decided to move on.

Tons of happiness and unhappiness that I have been through. My initial reason of moving is due to the mood swing of my boss. She is just so unpredictable. However, she left the company before I do. Even though she left, I decided to leave as well . Many have asked why… But I’m just so tired of working and doing so much with not much appreciation.

Only when I wanted to leave, they started to know how much I’m doing. No one person is able to take over the work load… During my last conference, my md and my global hr director asked me to stay… They tried really hard but I’m tired of doing all these shitty jobs.

Do u know the feeling that u know it is not right but still have to do it?

But I will never deny that I learn a lot in rentokil initial and get to know many people who may be able to help me next time.

Well, hopefully the new job that I have will turn out really well. Let’s hope forthe best for me… I do not want to change job again unless it is a pull factor.

Another screw up

Posted: October 5, 2009 in Uncategorized

Sometimes it’s not that I wanna scold karen. Boss wanted us to organise the family day on November so as to welcome the new MD as wellas introducing her to the rest of the employees. She has told us to do it months ago. Only last week then everything was kinda being finalised. It just left with some minor changes to the programme outline.

My dear karen didn’t go and inform the event company about it, knowing the fact that the venue, Marina Barrage is going off like hotcakes. If we never ask, she will never call. She uses stupid excuses to say that oh… boss is not free to go down to Marina barrage to take a look. But come on… didnt she mention that even she is not free, we can go down on behalf to take a look? Only till i message her, then she went to arrange and replied me that the venue was no longer available till next year Feb and March. She started to say things like oh… it’s too rush. I’m like telling her… boss told us about this Family day months ago and definitely there is enough time for preparation. Stop using excuses. She even told me to inform boss about it…. freaking hell… you screw things up and you want me to tell boss about it… !!!!!!! FREAK!!!!

I told her no matter what… we have to squeeze a Family Day out on November. We can change the venue to East Coast Park. Guess what she say… she told me… “oh east coast park… that’s not my proposal. That’s paul one. ” It just pissed me off so much when she told me that. Paul and I have all agreed on the proposal that she has obtained. We have all presented the programmes to boss and she agreed on it. You will just need to get the event company to source for the availability of east coast park. It’s a one stop service. What is she complaining about? She just wanna have the easy way out to push it to Paul to do. Totally pissed me off.

Gazal and I were like …. ahhhh gotta clear this SHIT! We called Karen’s event company directly. The guy was telling us that he was still holding on to the venue last friday but got no answer from Karen. He has been following up very closely on it with Karen and called her every week. She is just….. ARGH!!!


AHhhhh… i just hate it!

Posted: September 29, 2009 in Uncategorized

Seriously, i’m not too sure if i have changed or people have changed. Initially, when my boss has just joined the company, cat was really nice to me and chat with me a lot. We often go for breakfast, lunch and even meet up with Susan.

She was then being posted to the other office in Singapore for a few months. We drifted. Someow, i have provoked the other 2 managers in some ways in work. You know … really stupid thing like she was screaming at her staffs till they cried. Morally, this is a little too much to do so. It’s not an excuse just to say that you are pregnant and just lost control of your temper. They don’t deserve such harsh treatment. Best deal… her so called good colleagues went to tell the other lady about it and that lady went to gossip adding some oil to it. This just went round like that and she assumed that it was me who complained to my boss. One more stupid woman was about her physiotherapy and make a big hoo-ha over the cancellation of an insurance policy that was requested by my ex-boss. She just seems to blame it on me on the cancellation. Pea-brainer… She think i can decide to continue or to cancel the policy. I’m just a low- rank employee. Freaking mad womens!!!

That’s y i did not want to lunch with them anymore. It jus put my appetite off with them around. I started to lunch out with those of the same level as me from Procurement, marketing and finance. When Cat is posted to my office, she still joined back her usual lunch kaki. Occasionally, i still go over to her place to talk to her. But, it just seems not to be the same again.

It seems to be that when i’m closer to my boss, they drift away. I guess they most probably think that I have changed a lot to be able to keep a close relation with my boss.

I’m jus so sick of that….and guess what today…i have totally forgotten to book conference room for my afternoon meeting. I managed to squeeze out a room in the end. However, no projector was available. I was quite mad about it as it was being brought over to the finance conference in the hotel. But think about it, hotel can’t provide our finance conference a projector??? They were like no… it is chargable. It will depend on how you negotiate and if you have squueze something on the room package then they are not able to offer complimentary projector.

BULLSHIT!!!! I used to work in hotel and i know all these as long as you pushed for it. The hotel will definitely give it complimentary usage for the meeting. She even take scissors… post-it pad to the hotel. I was like duh!!!! Cna’t she just ask the hotel for it? You think hotel is so poor not being able to offer all these and provide us with a one-stop service for conference. What if we are not based in singapore but other countries? Will i need to bring those things from one country to another? STUPID… How would i know that she will need to bring that projector over. So… i get the IT team to set up monitor for me so that the presentation can be put through the monitor. He offered me a 17 inch monitor. I was just asking if there is a bigger one. He was like ” Yeah, Your Boss lor!!!” Then, he goes on… oh she has the biggest one… Damn sarcastic… He expect me to take my boss’s monitor? See… stupid again

Pardon me… but i just need to vent my frustration!!!

Happiness and unhappiness

Posted: August 11, 2009 in Uncategorized

Stepping into the 1st year with RI… struggling through my 365 days… I was really touched on what my boss and gazal have done for me. My boss was talking to me last week on how long i have been with RI, assuming that i have been there for years since I seems to have gone through lots of events there. I was like… NOOOooo… i’m going to be 1 year with RI.

There she goes…she remembers… gazal remembers… they brought me out for lunch just to celebrate the 365 days struggle through. They wrote me a card with Royce chocolate as a present. OH gosh…. i haven’t felt so much being appreciated ever since my previous boss, Miss Koh back in the hotel days.

I was jokingly telling them…. does the celebration + present mean that i need to work even harder?

Anyway… totally appreciate what they have done.

However…. there is happiness, and of course unhappiness as well. Sometimes, i just don’t get it why people want to take small issue to heart. I seems to have got my colleague being scolded by her boss. It was just forwarding to me on a piece of announcement which i thought it was nothing at all. After all, it is meant to disseminate to the rest of the colleagues… so…. what’s the big fuss about it. Perhaps it was just the portion that i didn’t delete the history of the email. 

BUT…. does it matter? Does it cause life and death?

Anyway, i feel so bad that i cause her to get scolded… but… wasn’t really me… it was one of my colleague that talk about it… things justt spread. Her boss really changes. I still remember the time when i first joined 1 year ago when she was about to get married. She came with her wedding invitation and smile at me so happily to invite me for her wedding. Now… tigeress to her staffs…


My New Dream

Posted: June 1, 2009 in Uncategorized

For every week, Wai Kuan and I seem to have our new dream. We have been always dreaming ahhh… how nice it will be if we can strike lottery and stop working.

She has a dream… to open a push cart selling breads. As for me, i’m not too sure what i want to do. I guess i may just stop working  for a year and take my MBA in Aussie. I will bring and sponsor ling if i have enough to spare. Hahahaha… In this way, i can be out of Singapore for a period of time and upgrade myself as well. Well, all these will need $$$$$ to sustain which I don’t have.

Sooo… if one fine day you get to see my plan executing, most prob that’s when i strike my lottery.


Just another random post

Posted: May 31, 2009 in Uncategorized

It’s really been a long time i update my blog… Nearly abandon it.  I’m was so busy with school, work, change of boss, looking out for jobs and the list goes on…

Finally, i cleared all my exams. I’m not too sure if i can clear all modules in this semester. If i do, do congrats me for graduating. I have been waiting for this day to come for the entire 3 years. I’m so sick of studying and so much prefer to work where i do not need to memorise anything. The best thing is… i do not need to rush to school, rush for projects, do my last minute essays and revisionssss…

To celebrate all these (without knowing the results), i have booked my Europe trip to Germany, Switzerland and France. AHhhhh… i can’t wait for the holidays. It has been months … since feb that i last went for any trip. I’m getting a little bored in Singapore~~~

I always tell Christine that perhaps i should go overseas to work for a couple of years so that i can be more appreciative about Singapore. Nothing motivates me at all. All i’m doing these days are going to work, meet ling, go for gym and my aerobics classes.

Can u imagine that’s really nothing interesting for me to blog about at all…? I’m such a boring person.

My blog… my blog

Posted: February 13, 2009 in Uncategorized

Happy Moo Year. Though it comes a little late, it better than not greeting at all. I’ve been really busy these days and didnt log on to wordpress for some times. I’m surprised to see the change in format. Luckily, it’s still quite user friendly.

Work is always never ending and tons of things to complain about. That stupid dung from Accounts is getting on my nerves. He does all sort of stupid things. I can’t help being so grumpy these days. You know he must have been thinking that i’m brainless to believe and reveal confidential information on people’s salaries to him. He was like telling me it was the big boss from UK requested for it.

I report to my boss, my boss report to global HR director and he will report to the big boss i was referring to.

And if i dun give him the info, big boss will scold the global HR director, and he will scold my boss and my boss will scold me.

What does he think it is? Food Chain…? What a dumbass!!!

He went ahead to do recruitment with headhunter and being charged on a huge sum of agent fee. What happen in the end? His candidate turned up for work for 2 days and went disappeared the entire week. No phone calls to inform… But again, he refused to get new candidate with the headhunter for replacement and waited for her to come back the next week. He threatened things like he will report to UK that we are hindering his attempt to stabilise finance team.

Sometimes you will just have the temptation to go over to 6th floor ( FYI, the 6th floor of my office building is Blanga embassy) and get those people’s shoes to stuff inside his mouth. He’s such a pain in the ass.

Other than handling this dung, i gotta have my conference with the UK people every week. Sometimes i just gotta miss my lesson for this. SOOooo… classmates and project mates, i didnt mean to skip school at times.

Anyway, I just went to Bangkok… I will upload those pics soon though all of them are already in facebook.

My next destination will be indonesia for this weekend and next week will be KL.
